sábado, 25 de abril de 2009


Please my A08 Writing Students, here is your chance to send your homework.

1. Click on comentarios , (be careful with clicking on the link that corresponds to this article and not to another article, do not click on the time 9:33)
2. Write your summary which corresponds to Practice 5 page 138 on your Writing Academic English book (remember that a summary should not be long just 5 or 6 lines),
3. Write your name at the end of your summary
4. Scrolldown to choose the identity: anonimo
5. Post your comment.

martes, 7 de abril de 2009


Se invita a todos los alumnos de B01, B02 y B03 a las clases de demostración del uso de los recursos en línea (E-workbook, E-exams, E-readings, Picture Dictionary and World Link) que se llevarán a cabo mensualmente a cargo de nuestros supervisores en el Study Hall, ICPNA Lima Centro.

¡Vengan y absuelvan todas sus dudas con respecto al uso de nuestros recursos en línea! Averigua las fechas y horarios acercándote a las oficinas ICPNA Lima Centro, 2do piso.



Original Passage (85 words)
Language is the main means of communication between peoples. But so many different languages have developed that language has often been a barrier rather than an aid to understanding among peoples. For many years, people have dreamed of setting up an international universal language which all people could speak and understand. The arguments in favor of a universal language are economic ties might be much closer, and good will might increase between countries (Kispert).

Paraphrase (63 words, about the same length as the original)
Humans communicate through language. Because there are so many different languages, however, people around the world have a difficult time understanding one another. Some people have wished for a universal international language that speakers all over the world could understand. Their reasons are straightforward and clear. A universal language would build cultural and economic bonds. It would also create better feelings among countries (Kispert).

Unacceptable Paraphrase 1
Humans communicate through language. However, because there are so many languages in the world, language acts as an obstacle instead of as an aid to understanding. People have long wished for a universal international language that speakers all over the worl could understand. A universal langage would certainly build cultural and economic bonds. It would also create better feelings among countries. <--- It is plagiarism because the source is not cited.

Unacceptable Paraphrase 2
Language is the principal means of communication between peoples. However, because there are numerous languages, language itself has frequently been a barrier rather than an aid to understanding among the world population. For many years, people have envisioned a common universal language that everyone in the world could communicate in. The reasons for having a universal language are clearly understandable. If the same tongue were spoken by all countries, they would undoubtedly become closer culturally and economically. It would probably also create good will among nations (Kispert). <--- It is plagiarism because it is too similar to the original passage.

Summary (28 words, much shorter)
People commmunicate through language; however, having different languages creates communication barriers. A universal language could bring countries together culturally and economicallly as well as increase good feelings among them (Kispert).

sábado, 4 de abril de 2009

Writing an Essay

Cool Link !!

Enjoy this link:


Your task for the ALP will be to watch a video, listen carefully, TAKE NOTES, and summarize what Professor Pausch lectured. To do that you will have to click on the following link and you will be able to watch the video

For the folder
1. Use the split page format (divide the paper in three, use 1/3 for the questions and ideas section and the other 2/3 to take INDENTED notes)
2. Write 3 comprenhension questions and 2 opinion questions
3. Write a summary of the speech.
Present everything on a printed copy. Hand in to the teacher.
For the speech
1. Make a small presentation summarizing and commenting about Randy Pausch's message to the world.
2. Talk about your reaction to his video
3. Use all the techniques to make a good public presentation

Good luck!


There are two ways to report what others have said. One way is to use quotation marks around the exact words. The other way is to paraphrase _that is, to put someone else´s ideas into your own words. In both cases, when you quote or paraphrase, it is essential to use attribution, which means that you indicate who the speaker is.
Below are examples of quoting and paraphrasing. Notice the use of attribution in each sentence.

1. Change the word order. For example, change from ctive voice to passive voice (or passive to active):
Quotation: Lillian Glass says, "I encourage all of my clients to read the newspaper, ..."
Paraphrase: Lillian Glass's clients are all encouraged to read the newspaper.

2. Change a word from one part of speech to another.
Quotation: According to Lillian Glass, "The best way to entice a person to have a conversation with you is by being sincere and respectful..."
Paraphrase: According to Lillian Glass, the best way to get someone to talk to you is by showing sincerity and respect.

3. Use synonyms.
Quotation: According to Lillian Glass, "The best way to entice a person to have a conversation with you is by being sincere and respectful..."
Paraphrase: According to Lillian Glass, the best way to get someone to talk to you is by showing sincerity and respect.

4. Use a negative or some other reversal that does not change the meaning.
Quotation: Glass asserts that "The best kind of ice breaker is one that's positive."
Paraphrase: Glass asserts that the best kind of ice breaker isn't negative.

5. Combine sentences. It can be helpful to combine sentences when you want to paraphrase, especially if the original sentences were short.
Quotation: Another recommendation that Glass gives is to "have a sencse of humor. Everyone enjoys a humorous story or joke."
Paraphrase: Glass also recommends that people have a sense of humor because everyone likes funny jokes and stories.

6. Use pronouns to replace names.
Quotation: "Dr. Glass has coached many celebrities on their voices, accents, and dialects."
Paraphrase: She has taught many celebrities how to use their voices, accents, and dialects.

(adapted from Improving the Grammar of Written English: The Handbook by Patricia Byrd and Beverly Benson. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc., 1989.)


A summary is an oral or written explanation of something you heard, saw, or read. You can summarize a lecture that you heard or a movie you saw. You can also summarize a newspaper article or a reading from a book. A summary is always shorter than the original material.

It is important to learn how to write a summary because you need to learn how to tell other people the main idea of what you heard, saw, or read. If people ask you what a movie was about, you first tell them the main idea of the story. If they are interested, you might give them a few details. Telling everything about a movie isn't summarizing.

Remember that you need to put the main idea first. You should add details if you think the people who listen to or read your summary won't understand the main idea without more explanation. Also, consider what you are asked to do. If your teacher asks for a one-sentence summary, give only the main idea. If your teacher asks for a brief summary, write the main idea plus a few details. If your teacher asks for a detailed summary, include some, but not all the details.

What to include in the first sentence
State the main idea in the first sentence. Here are some suggestions for ways to start:
According to Lillian Glass, ...
In Lillian Glass's opinion, ...
In the listening passage, Lillian Glass discusses/discussed...
The listening passage is/was about...

If you know the title of the source, use it in the first sentence between quotation marks. Write, for example:
The listening passage, "How to Be a Good Conversationalist," is/was about...
In her column, "So What's New with You?," Adair Lara talks about...

What not to include
Do not express your own opinion, and don't add information that was not in what you heard or read.

You should try to use your own words. If you must copy, do not copy too much, and be sure to put what you copy between quotation marks.