lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

A05F Grammar Autonomous Project

Main Objective: To improve your Reading Skills by Using Grammar and Writing Concepts

Look for a 500 word reading academic passagef from a TOEFL or Michigan exam, perhaps. Do the following:
A. What's the gist?
B. What's the organization? (parts)
C. Number each sentence.
D. Locate the following elements
1. The thesis
2. The topic sentences in each paragraph
3. The elements of the conclusion (author's opinion, paraphrase, food for thought)
4. The longest sentence in the passage. Analize its different parts.
5. The shortest sentence in the passage. Analize its different parts.
6. Classify all sentences into 4 types (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex)
E. Read the text nonstop vocalizing from beginning to end, and record your time. Do the same thing as many times as necessary to improve your timing 4 more times . Your timing has to be recorded.

Get ready for step F in class for the conclusion of this exercise.