lunes, 5 de enero de 2009


Hello my dear Ss,

Today let's talk about something really important to improve you fluency: Giving complete answers.
It´s very common that Ss provide short answers in their pair work, group work, and class activities, for it is, obviously, a lot easier than giving complete answers.

Example: Teacher: Hi, how are you?
Student: Fine. You?
or Teacher: What do you think about intercultural relationships?
Student: I agree.

There is no problem with doing that in natural conversations or situations, but it is not practical for getting more practice on accuracy. You can get more practice and become better in English if you give complete responses. Try the following:

Example: Teacher: Hi, how are you?
Student: I'm fine. How about you? How are you?
or Teacher: What do you think about intercultural relationships?
Student: I think intercultural relationships are ok.

Always try to form a full sentence or a full question. A full sentence has S + V+ C . A question usually has AUX + SUBJECT + VERB + COMPLEMENT ? (Except verb BE: BE + SUBJECT + COMPLEMENT ?)
Moreover, why not giving an additional sentence logically connected to the first one. The benefits increase then.

Good luck in class!

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