jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009


1. activism: the act of being an activist
2. activist: a person who works to achieve political or social change, especially as a member of an organization with particular aims
3. announcement: (U) the act of publicly informing people about sth
4. applications: a formal request for sth. such as a job, permission to do sth or a place at a college or university
5. circumstances: situations and events that affect and influence your life and that are not in your control
6. escapist: a person who does any activity, any form of entertainment, etc. to help him/her avoid or forget unpeasant or boring things
7. expenses: money spent in doing a particular job, or for a particular purpose
8. generation x: the group of people who were born between the early 1960s and the middle of the 1970s, who seem to lack a sense of direction in life and to feel that they have no part to play in society
9. immunizations: protection to a person or animal from a disease, especially by giving them an injection of a vaccine
10. issues: important topics that people are discussing or arguing about
11. lawns: an area of ground covered in short grass in a garden/yard or park, or used for playing a game
12. tradition: a belief, custom or way of doing sth that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people; a set of these beliefs or customs
13. voyages: long journeys or trips, especially by sea or in space

Add more words you do not know from Unit 4 by clicking on comments. Do not forget to write your name.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

hi mr. Jaramillo i have a question ... what is the difference between might have, could have and may have ?