viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009



a. I was tired.
b. She will be a police officer.
c. They have been in the park all day.

2. (SUBJECT) + (VERB intransitive*) + (COMPLEMENT)
d. I walked around the park in the morning***.

3. (SUBJECT) + (VERB transitive**) + (COMPLEMENT)
e. She is talking to a police officer now.
f. I wrote a letter to that woman in the morning.

4. [comment], (SUBJECT) + (VERB intransitive*) + (COMPLEMENT)
(SUBJECT) + (VERB intransitive*) + (COMPLEMENT), [comment].
g. Incredibly, I ran around the park in the morning.
I ran around the park in the morning, incredibly.
I ran , incredibly, around the park in the morning.

* An intransitive verb does not have a DIRECT OBJECT.
** A transitive verb has a DIRECT OBJECT and/or an INDIRECT OBJECT
*** [the place expression] + [the time expression]

martes, 17 de febrero de 2009


Hello again my dear students,

Today I bring to you the description of your project.

Let's put your knowledge and talent into practice!!!

1. Have you ever attended a seminar or workshop? You need to create a seminar or workshop; that is to document it fully. You are not to perform the seminar in class, but be ready to explain its different parts. This is about preparing people who are interested in going to the USA, and do not have the necessary English skills.

2. The seminar lasts 2 days, 3 hours each. Create activities and presentations that cover 6 hours total. Think of activities that are going to be useful for the situation.

3. Do not forget to prepare the syllabus, the lesson plans of the activities (that will not last more than 3 hours), and the evaluation (and corresponding feedback)

First, think about which situations apply to your topic. Then think of which functions apply to each situation. Next, which grammar and lexis are necessary for each function. Document it all.

Second, think of which activities (tasks) you will use to create the plan. Here, I suggest you look at the interchange activities at the end of your Interchange books and select the ones that apply to your situations and functions. The only problem with them is that you need to include more "Useful Expressions" Charts. Document it all, including: Class description; Timetable fit; Lesson Aims; Activities, procedures, and timing; and Problems and possibilities.

Third, think of a placement test to know the level of the participants in your seminar. You can give them a small 10-minute test when they register to the seminar. Then, you can create a progress test at the end of the first session to find out how much your participants are achieving. Finally, create a proficiency test that you will give your participants at the end of the second session to find out how much they finally achieved. Document it all.

Any questions? Feel free to ask.

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009


Hello my dear A12T Students,


Technique 01: Fast Forward. T. asks what segment was about or what the characters are saying.
Technique 02: Silent Viewing (for language). T. asks what the characters are saying.

Technique 03: Silent Viewing (for music). T. asks what kind of music Ss. would put behind it and why. Did the Ss. choose the right mood?
Technique 04: Freeze frame. T. asks Ss. what they think will happen next or what the characters will say.
Technique 05: Partial Viewing. T. covers the screen with pieces of cardboard. Ss. are to guess.


Objective: Witness Statement
Step 01: T. asks Ss. to watch the video segment and to remember as much as possible.
Step 02: Ss. share ideas of what they have seen for 2 minutes..
Step 03: T. posts questions on the board or orally.
Step 04: Ss. answer questions in pairs for 3 minutes.

Step 05: Ss. check answers with another couple or group.
Step 06: Ss. watch again.
Step 07: T. provides feedback.


Objective: Subtitles. Comparing languages
Step 01: T. brings discussion on film subtitles in general.
How accurate are they? Why do they sometimes miss out bits of dialogue?
Step 02: T. instructs Ss. should concentrate on the story.
Step 03: T. plays silent viewing with subtitles on.
Step 04: Whole class discussion. What have Ss. seen?

Step 05: T. stops at every subtitle so Ss. write down their predictions on what the characters are saying.
Step 06: Ss. check answers in pairs.
Step 07: Ss. watch segment again.
Step 08: T. provides feedback.


Objective: Different season/different sex. Making changes
Step 01: Ss. watch excerpt.
Step 02: T. discusses content, grammar, and vocabulary.
Step 03: Ss. watch excerpt again.
Step 04: T. asks Ss. to imagine how the scene would be different: their dialogue, their clothing, and their behaviour.

For example:
different season (icy winter instead of summer): How would the scene be different if it were winter?
sex of characters reversed: How would it be different if the characters' sex were reversed?


Objective:News bulletin. Presenting information clearly.
Step 01: T. asks Ss. to watch news bulletins and analyze the language that is particular to this genre.
Step 02: Ss. decide in groups the stories and the order of the stories they will talk about.
Step 03: Ss. write the scripts of the news stories.
Step 04: T. videotapes Ss. broadcasting their news stories.

Step 05: T. gives feedback.


Objective: Put it on screen. Acting from a script and interpreting text.
Step 01: Ss. read a story.
Step 02: T. asks Ss. to disregard illustration that may come with the reading passage.
Step 03: T. asks Ss. to edit and prepare their own versions of the stories.
Step 04: T. films the Ss.´ version.

Step 05: Ss. can even change the ending of the story with their own version.


Objective: The grammar lecture. Language description.
Step 01: Ss. select, or are given, a particular grammar topic.
Step 02: T. gives ideas about sources of information for their research.
Step 03: T. asks Ss. to do their research.
Step 04: Ss. film the lecture with acted out examples.

Step 05: T. gives constant tutoring.

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009


Ya es conocido que las palabras en inglés, generalmente, no se pronuncian como se escriben. ¿Cómo hacer para poder ser independiente en cuanto a aprender la pronunciacion de las palabras en ingles?

Por supuesto que hay solución. ¿Quieres saber cómo?
1. Una posible solución sería conseguirte un diccionario electrónico que con un clic pronuncia la palabra buscada. Existen en el mercado diccionarios que vienen con un CD conteniendo el mismo diccionario pero para la computadora.

2. La segunda solución sería ingresar al SAC del ICPNA y pedirle a la encargada del área que te active el diccionario interactivo LIAD instalado en las máquinas del servidor. Lo bueno de este programa es que tiene un icono para escuchar la pronunciacion de la palabra buscada y además tiene la opción de grabar tu voz y luego escuchar que tan parecido al modelo lo haz pronunciado.

3. Algunos diccionarios en linea cuentan con un icono que pronuncia la palabra buscada. Y ahi tengo que pedir tu apoyo, si encuentras un diccionario en línea que cuente con esta característica, recomiendalo en este blog. Desafortunadamente, el website con el que contaba ya no esta disponible sin subscripcion.

4. Y la mejor de las soluciones, incluiría no solo el icono de la pronunciacion de la palabra buscada, sino también la simbología que representa a cada uno de todos los fonemas que se utilizan en el idioma inglés. ¿Te imaginas? Ver unos símbolos y pronunciarlos tal y como se leen!!! Sería fantástico. Desafortunadamente, se necesita entrenamiento previo. Mínimo unas 4 sesiones de terapia de la articulacion de estos sonidos americanos.

Mr. Jaramillo


Hello my dear A12T Students,


Objective: Communication game
Step 01: 4 or 5 Ss. are chosen to be a panel of experts. They sit in the front of class.
Step 02: The class chooses a topic for the experts: soccer, volleyball, etc.
Step 03: All Ss. write down the questions they want to ask the "experts" in pair or in groups.
Step 04: Ss. ask the questions to the experts. Experts can only say one word at a time.

Step 05: The last S finishes the story with one word.
Step 06: T. provides feedback as necessary


Objective: Questionnaire
Step 01: T. brings schema. T. asks about the most films.
Step 02: T. explains task: Which of these films is the most popular among us. Find out.
Step 03: T. hands in the form on page 277.

Step 04: Ss. do the task by completing their chart with their partner's responses. Provide the language that is necessary.
Step 05: T. promotes discussion on different topics related to the films: favorite actors, the best part of it, etc..

Example 03:

Objective: Whose Line is it anyway, Improvisation game
Step 01: T. asks if Ss. know TV show. Tell Ss. they will play a game.
Step 02: Ask for 2 Ss. to come forward.
Step 03: Ask Ss. to choose who these volunteers are: Ask for creativity
Step 04: Ask Ss. to choose where these volunteers are: the street, a cinema, etc.

Step 05: Ask Ss. to think of what these volunteers are going to talk about.
Step 07: T. gives (optionally) a secret card telling the volunteers how they speak: politely, romantically, etc. so Ss. can guess at the end of their turn.
Step 08: The two volunteers start the activity. You can give the volunteers some preparation time. They have to improvise who, where, and what they are talking about to get points according to the audience ratings.


Objective: discussion
Step 01: T. brings schema.
Step 02: T. gives floor map with information on it. (or Ss. turn to page 279 on their books). T. asks Ss. to look at it briefly. T. pre teaches some of the difficult vocabulary (not necessarily all of it).
Step 03: T. explains task. Ss. have to decide which bedroom would be the most suitable for each member of the family. Optionally, Ss. choose two members of the family and say how these members would decorate and furnish their rooms.
Step 04: T. provides a useful expression chart on board, on a flip chart, or on a piece of paper for Ss. to use as they discuss their choices.

Step 05: T. asks Ss. to report to class.
Step 06: T. gives feedback if appropriate.


Step 01: Bring schema.
Step 02: Set the scene.
Step 03: Explain task.
Step 04: Present useful expression on a chart.

Step 05: Assign roles. Ss. moves.
Step 06: Ss. start activity. Give time.
Step 07: T. circulates and gives feedback:

a. recording mistakes
b. gentle correction
Step 08: Ss. report.
Step 09: T. gets it right (points out recorded mistakes ).

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009


Hello my dear A12T Students,


Objective: Punctuating a text
Step 01: Ss. look at the pctures on page 262. They describe what they might be about.
Step 02: T. explains task: Ss. have to listen to passage and punctuate.
Step 03: Ss. work individually first. T. reads passage.
Step 04: T. makes Ss. compare their answers in groups of 3.

Step 05: T. circulates and gives assessment.
Step 06: T. places flip chart with passage on the board and asks Ss. to take turns coming to the front to punctuate. Use the "Choose a victim technique"
Step 07: T. checks and gives feedback.
Step 08: T. wraps up : Remember to use commas, apostrophes, capital letters, and full stops.

Objective: Writing Movie Reviews
Step 01: Look at the collection of reviews.
Step 02: Ask them to answer the questions about them.
Step 03: Show them a video.
Step 04: Show the video again and ask them to make notes.
Step 05: Ask them to draft their reviews.
Step 06: T. gives constructive feedback to Ss.
Step 07: Ss write final version of their reviews.
Step 08: The class votes for the best one. T. posts their reviews on a bulletin board.

Objective: Running Dictation
Step 01: Ss. are asked whether they enjoy poetry or not. T. elicits answers from Ss.
Step 02: T. explains they will work with a poem and posts the poem in front on the board.
Step 03: S. form groups of 5.
Step 04: T. explains task and checks comprenhension.
Step 05: Ss. start activity. The first representative goes to board, reads from poem, memorizes a line, goes back to group, and dictates.
Step 06: A second representative does the same things from step 05.
Step 07: Activity goes on until first groups finish with task.
Step 08: T. checks the whole version of their poems.
Step 09: T. asks Ss. to write a reaction about what the poem means to them. Give 5 minutes to freewrite on their reactions.
Step 10: T. moves around giving proper feedback.

Objective: Story circle. Writing a narrative.
Step 01: Ss. are told they will write a story. Explain the task.
Step 02: Ss. are put in groups of 5.
Step 03: T. dictates the first sentence and Ss. copy on their piece of paper.
Step 04: T. asks Ss. to creatively write the next sentence to follow the story.
Step 05: The teacher tells the students to continuously pass their paper to the person on their left to write a new sentence until the papers return to the original owners.
Step 06: T. forces the last person to write the end of the story.
Step 07: Ss. are encouraged to read the final story.
Step 08: T. gives feedback making sure that the stories are heard by the whole class.

Objective: Note taking techniques, looking at notes.
Step 01: T. asks Ss. when they would need to take notes.
Step 02: T. points out they can use abbreviations, puntuacion, initials, drawings, etc. to take notes. T. asks Ss. when would they find these helpful.
Step 03: T. asks if Ss. have their own note taking techniques.
Step 04: T. asks Ss. to look at the symbols on page 266 and are asked to write examples of each in an appropriate context.
Step 05: Ss. look at the passage on page 266. They are asked to try to figure out what it means
Step 06: T. shows other note taking techniques (spidergrams, numbered points, etc.) for Ss. to determine which one suits their personal style.

Objective: Report writing.
Step 01: T. brings schema by asking Ss. opinions on the topic: What do you think of women's role in society? or so.
Step 02: T. makes Ss. pay attention to passage on page 267: Everybody, we'll find out more interesting information about women in the U.S. on page 267.
Step 03: T. goes over passage quickly. Then, T. explains task: You have to work in groups of 3. You've got 4 minutes to decide which topics go together to make a coherent paragraph. T. chcks comprehension: Matias, what do you have to do in this task? Are you going to work in pairs or groups? and so on. Call on different Ss.
Step 04: Ss. work on task: Ok, start discussing right now. Which topics do you think could go together? Remind of time constantly: 4, 3, 1 minute left!! Hurry!
Step 05: Ss. individually choose one of their paragraphs and use cohesive devices such as: whereas, but, in spite of the fact, etc. Give 5 minutes or so.
Step 06: As a group, each S. they organize which paragraph goes firs, next, and last. Give time and make them write their final report.
Step 07: T. posts on bulletin or web site. Ss. discuss which one is more coherent or easy to read.

martes, 10 de febrero de 2009


Mis queridos alumnos de B10,

Esta es la descripción de su proyecto autónomo:

1. Tienen que desarrollar una presentación delante de todos sus compañeros de aula.
2. Los temas son: A. MY NEIGHBORHOOD y B. MY GRADUATION PLANS. Tienen que preparar un visual uno para cada tema.

Tiempo: Mínimo 1 minuto, maximo 2. Al respecto, tengo que ser muuuuy estricto con el tiempo puesto que debe alcanzar para que todos los 25 alumnos puedan hacer su presentacion.
Número de palabras: 80 palabras mínimo por minuto. Si te demoras 2 minutos son 160 palabras, Y ASÍ sucesivamente.
Nota: No se va ha llamar por orden de lista. Solo se pedirá que voluntariamente empiece el que se sienta listo.Esto quiere decir que si para el final de la hora no te haz hecho voluntario para dar tu exposición, por falta de seguridad y preparacion, ya no tendrás oportunidad de hacerlo y tu nota será de cero. Atención: Por favor no esperes ser el ultimo en dar tu exposicion. No quiero ponerte mala nota!!! Solo aquel que se hace voluntario saldrá adelante y no se va a llamar a nadie que no se haya hecho voluntario.
Criterio de evaluación: 1 punto por el material visual (sea papelógrafo o gigantografía 1 punto por la presentación correcta, 1 punto por hacer participar al publico (una pregunta de comprension por ejemplo).
Recomendaciones: Pueden descargar imágenes grandes en Google, seleccionen la carpeta Imágenes y seleccionar sólo figuras grandes o muy grandes (PARA EVITAR FIGURAS FANTASMAS AL AGRANDARLAS). Pueden preparar gigantografías en Wilson, aunque no es obligatorio. No se dejen sorprender: una gigantografía de 60 cm X 90 cm cuesta aprox. 9 soles (Solo la impresión, pídanlo sin ojales, sin tubos, sin basta)

Partes de tu presentación: Tu presentación tiene tres partes:Primero. Presentación de ti y tu tema. Segundo: Desarrollo de tu tema. Tercero: Despedida y agradecimiento. Mira el ejemplo:

Primero: My name is _____. Today I am talking about MY NEIGHBORHOOD and MY GRADUATION PLANS.
Segundo: I AM TALKING ABOUT MY NEIGHBORHOOD, AND IT IS LOCATED IN MIRAFLORES__________ (Desarrollo del tema.) .................. ................ ..... MY PLANS AFTER MY GRADUATION CONSISTS OF GETTING A JOB IN A BIG COMPANY. _________. __________________ (Desarrollo del tema)
Tercero (Agradecimiento): Thank you very much for your attention.


Alguna duda, consultar conmigo en clase.
Bye Mr. Jaramillo

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009


Mis queridos alumnos de B11,

Esta es la descripción de su proyecto autónomo:

1. Tienen que desarrollar una presentación delante de todos sus compañeros de aula.
2. Los temas son: A. LA NARRACIÓN O RESUMEN DE UN CUENTO DE HADAS MUY CORTO y B. HABLAR SOBRE SU TRABAJO DE ENSUEÑO. Tienen que preparar un visual uno para cada tema.

Tiempo: Mínimo 1 minuto, maximo 2. Al respecto, tengo que ser muuuuy estricto con el tiempo puesto que debe alcanzar para que todos los 25 alumnos puedan hacer su presentacion.
Número de palabras: 80 palabras mínimo por minuto. Si te demoras 2 minutos son 160 palabras, Y ASÍ sucesivamente.
Nota: No se va ha llamar por orden de lista. Solo se pedirá que voluntariamente empiece el que se sienta listo.Esto quiere decir que si para el final de la hora no te haz hecho voluntario para dar tu exposición, por falta de seguridad y preparacion, ya no tendrás oportunidad de hacerlo y tu nota será de cero. Atención: Por favor no esperes ser el ultimo en dar tu exposicion. No quiero ponerte mala nota!!! Solo aquel que se hace voluntario saldrá adelante y no se va a llamar a nadie que no se haya hecho voluntario.
Criterio de evaluación: 1 punto por el material visual (sea papelógrafo o gigantografía 1 punto por la presentación correcta, 1 punto por hacer participar al publico (una pregunta de comprension por ejemplo).
Recomendaciones: Pueden descargar imágenes grandes en Google, seleccionen la carpeta Imágenes y seleccionar sólo figuras grandes o muy grandes (PARA EVITAR FIGURAS FANTASMAS AL AGRANDARLAS). Pueden preparar gigantografías en Wilson, aunque no es obligatorio. No se dejen sorprender: una gigantografía de 60 cm X 90 cm cuesta aprox. 9 soles (Solo la impresión, pídanlo sin ojales, sin tubos, sin basta)

Partes de tu presentación: Tu presentación tiene tres partes:
Primero. Presentación de ti y tu tema. Segundo: Desarrollo de tu tema. Tercero: Despedida y agradecimiento. Mira el ejemplo:

Primero: My name is _____. Today I am talking about an interesting fairy tail and my dream job.
Segundo: THE FAIRY TALE I AM TALKING ABOUT IS LITTLE RED HOOD__________ (Desarrollo del tema.) .................. ................ ..... MY DREAM JOB IS TO BECOME A DOCTOR_________. __________________ (Desarrollo del tema)
Tercero (Agradecimiento): Thank you very much for your attention.


Alguna duda, consultar conmigo en clase.
ByeMr. Jaramillo

viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009

Past Regular Verbs Pronunciation

Hello my dear students,

Past Regular verbs are:
Present / Past / Past Participle
work / worked / worked
live /lived /lived
start /started /started

But how do you pronounce the regular verb forms?
You know that we can pronounce the -ed or -d verb form in three different ways: /t/, /d/, or /id/. Watch the video:

In other words, this is the golden rule: (En otras palabras, esta es la regla de oro:)

1. When the present form of the regular verb ends on a voiced (vibrating) sound,
the pronunciation of the past and past participle forms is /d/
(Cuando la forma presente del verbo regular termina en un sonido que vibra, la pronunciación de sus formas pasada y pasada participia es /d/ porque este sonido también vibra)
2. When the present form of the regular verb ends on a voiceless (non-vibrating) sound,
the pronunciation of the past and past participle forms is /t/
(Cuando la forma presente del verbo regular termina en un sonido que NO vibra, la pronunciación de sus formas pasada y pasada participia es /t/ porque este sonido también NO vibra)
3. When the present form of the regular verb ends on /t/ or /d/, obviously, a vowel is necessary, the pronunciation of the past and past participle forms is /Id/
(Cuando la forma presente del verbo regular termina en un sonido /t/ o /d/, obviamente, la pronunciación de sus formas pasada y pasada participia es /Id/ porque una vocal ya se hace necesaria)

Note: You can realize whether the final sound of the present verb form vibrates or not just by pressing your thumb finger against your throat and feeling the vibration when pronuncing this final sound.
(Puedes darte cuenta de si el sonido final de la forma presente del verbo vibra o no solo al presionar tu dedo pulgar contra tu garganta y sentir la vibración mientras pronuncias este ultimo sonido)

See you in class!

martes, 3 de febrero de 2009


Hey guys, not all songs follow grammatical rules.
Not all singers show they've been to school!!
Anyway, here is the lyrics of this song

Whoa oh oh Ooh hoohNo No No
[Verse 1:]See, I dont know why I liked you so much
I gave you all, of my trust
I told you, I loved you, now thats all down the drain
Ya put me through pain, I wanna let u know how I feel

[Chorus:]Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back (BIS)

[Verse 2:]You thought, you could
Keep this shit from me, yeah
Ya burnt bitch, I heard the story
Ya played me, ya even gave him head
Now ya askin for me back
Ya just another act, look elsewhere
Cuz ya done with me

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back (BIS)

Oh ohUh huh yeahOh ohUh huh yeahOh oh
Uh huh yeahOh ohUh huh yeah

Ya questioned, did I care
You could ask anyone, I even said
Ya were my great one
Now its, over, but I do admit I'm sad.
It hurts real bad, I cant sweat that, cuz I loved a hoe

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Oh ohUh huh yeahOh ohUh huh yeah
Oh ohUh huh yeahOh ohUh huh yeah
[Until the end]