jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009


Hello my dear A12T Students,


Objective: Communication game
Step 01: 4 or 5 Ss. are chosen to be a panel of experts. They sit in the front of class.
Step 02: The class chooses a topic for the experts: soccer, volleyball, etc.
Step 03: All Ss. write down the questions they want to ask the "experts" in pair or in groups.
Step 04: Ss. ask the questions to the experts. Experts can only say one word at a time.

Step 05: The last S finishes the story with one word.
Step 06: T. provides feedback as necessary


Objective: Questionnaire
Step 01: T. brings schema. T. asks about the most popul.ar films.
Step 02: T. explains task: Which of these films is the most popular among us. Find out.
Step 03: T. hands in the form on page 277.

Step 04: Ss. do the task by completing their chart with their partner's responses. Provide the language that is necessary.
Step 05: T. promotes discussion on different topics related to the films: favorite actors, the best part of it, etc..

Example 03:

Objective: Whose Line is it anyway, Improvisation game
Step 01: T. asks if Ss. know TV show. Tell Ss. they will play a game.
Step 02: Ask for 2 Ss. to come forward.
Step 03: Ask Ss. to choose who these volunteers are: Ask for creativity
Step 04: Ask Ss. to choose where these volunteers are: the street, a cinema, etc.

Step 05: Ask Ss. to think of what these volunteers are going to talk about.
Step 07: T. gives (optionally) a secret card telling the volunteers how they speak: politely, romantically, etc. so Ss. can guess at the end of their turn.
Step 08: The two volunteers start the activity. You can give the volunteers some preparation time. They have to improvise who, where, and what they are talking about to get points according to the audience ratings.


Objective: discussion
Step 01: T. brings schema.
Step 02: T. gives floor map with information on it. (or Ss. turn to page 279 on their books). T. asks Ss. to look at it briefly. T. pre teaches some of the difficult vocabulary (not necessarily all of it).
Step 03: T. explains task. Ss. have to decide which bedroom would be the most suitable for each member of the family. Optionally, Ss. choose two members of the family and say how these members would decorate and furnish their rooms.
Step 04: T. provides a useful expression chart on board, on a flip chart, or on a piece of paper for Ss. to use as they discuss their choices.

Step 05: T. asks Ss. to report to class.
Step 06: T. gives feedback if appropriate.


Step 01: Bring schema.
Step 02: Set the scene.
Step 03: Explain task.
Step 04: Present useful expression on a chart.

Step 05: Assign roles. Ss. moves.
Step 06: Ss. start activity. Give time.
Step 07: T. circulates and gives feedback:

a. recording mistakes
b. gentle correction
Step 08: Ss. report.
Step 09: T. gets it right (points out recorded mistakes ).

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