miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009


Hello my dear A12T Students,


Objective: Punctuating a text
Step 01: Ss. look at the pctures on page 262. They describe what they might be about.
Step 02: T. explains task: Ss. have to listen to passage and punctuate.
Step 03: Ss. work individually first. T. reads passage.
Step 04: T. makes Ss. compare their answers in groups of 3.

Step 05: T. circulates and gives assessment.
Step 06: T. places flip chart with passage on the board and asks Ss. to take turns coming to the front to punctuate. Use the "Choose a victim technique"
Step 07: T. checks and gives feedback.
Step 08: T. wraps up : Remember to use commas, apostrophes, capital letters, and full stops.

Objective: Writing Movie Reviews
Step 01: Look at the collection of reviews.
Step 02: Ask them to answer the questions about them.
Step 03: Show them a video.
Step 04: Show the video again and ask them to make notes.
Step 05: Ask them to draft their reviews.
Step 06: T. gives constructive feedback to Ss.
Step 07: Ss write final version of their reviews.
Step 08: The class votes for the best one. T. posts their reviews on a bulletin board.

Objective: Running Dictation
Step 01: Ss. are asked whether they enjoy poetry or not. T. elicits answers from Ss.
Step 02: T. explains they will work with a poem and posts the poem in front on the board.
Step 03: S. form groups of 5.
Step 04: T. explains task and checks comprenhension.
Step 05: Ss. start activity. The first representative goes to board, reads from poem, memorizes a line, goes back to group, and dictates.
Step 06: A second representative does the same things from step 05.
Step 07: Activity goes on until first groups finish with task.
Step 08: T. checks the whole version of their poems.
Step 09: T. asks Ss. to write a reaction about what the poem means to them. Give 5 minutes to freewrite on their reactions.
Step 10: T. moves around giving proper feedback.

Objective: Story circle. Writing a narrative.
Step 01: Ss. are told they will write a story. Explain the task.
Step 02: Ss. are put in groups of 5.
Step 03: T. dictates the first sentence and Ss. copy on their piece of paper.
Step 04: T. asks Ss. to creatively write the next sentence to follow the story.
Step 05: The teacher tells the students to continuously pass their paper to the person on their left to write a new sentence until the papers return to the original owners.
Step 06: T. forces the last person to write the end of the story.
Step 07: Ss. are encouraged to read the final story.
Step 08: T. gives feedback making sure that the stories are heard by the whole class.

Objective: Note taking techniques, looking at notes.
Step 01: T. asks Ss. when they would need to take notes.
Step 02: T. points out they can use abbreviations, puntuacion, initials, drawings, etc. to take notes. T. asks Ss. when would they find these helpful.
Step 03: T. asks if Ss. have their own note taking techniques.
Step 04: T. asks Ss. to look at the symbols on page 266 and are asked to write examples of each in an appropriate context.
Step 05: Ss. look at the passage on page 266. They are asked to try to figure out what it means
Step 06: T. shows other note taking techniques (spidergrams, numbered points, etc.) for Ss. to determine which one suits their personal style.

Objective: Report writing.
Step 01: T. brings schema by asking Ss. opinions on the topic: What do you think of women's role in society? or so.
Step 02: T. makes Ss. pay attention to passage on page 267: Everybody, we'll find out more interesting information about women in the U.S. on page 267.
Step 03: T. goes over passage quickly. Then, T. explains task: You have to work in groups of 3. You've got 4 minutes to decide which topics go together to make a coherent paragraph. T. chcks comprehension: Matias, what do you have to do in this task? Are you going to work in pairs or groups? and so on. Call on different Ss.
Step 04: Ss. work on task: Ok, start discussing right now. Which topics do you think could go together? Remind of time constantly: 4, 3, 1 minute left!! Hurry!
Step 05: Ss. individually choose one of their paragraphs and use cohesive devices such as: whereas, but, in spite of the fact, etc. Give 5 minutes or so.
Step 06: As a group, each S. they organize which paragraph goes firs, next, and last. Give time and make them write their final report.
Step 07: T. posts on bulletin or web site. Ss. discuss which one is more coherent or easy to read.

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